- The basic tenet of the Christian philosophy of education is the discipleship of young people based on the Word of God. The purpose of ACS is to provide quality education for children in a Christian setting as an extension of the training they receive in the home and church; and the school, church, and home must work closely together.
- I will support the school with my prayers and a positive attitude. I will share complaints or negative comments only with the teacher, administrator, or person involved and not with my child or other people according to the principles in Matthew 18:15.
- I will attend all regularly scheduled meetings for parent conferences when requested by the teacher or administrator.
- I will uphold the spiritual emphasis of ACS by regularly attending the services of a Bible-believing church as a family and by encouraging my child(ren) to participate in the youth functions of the church.
- The school has the authority to discipline our child(ren) as necessary. Further, I/we agree to cooperate with the school by disciplining our child(ren) at home.
- The school reserves the right to expel any student who does not cooperate (or whose parents do not cooperate) with the total educational process. The school does not tolerate profanity or disrespect of school personnel.
- The school reserves the right to discipline students for conduct during off-school hours that violates biblical principles, dishonors God, or casts a poor reflection on the name and reputation of the school.